Learn more about me
Hello, My name is Thiatham Kongthong. My passion for code had begun when I tried to crack game when I grade 9. I had installed a cheat-engine for cheating Yuri game I learned how to crack and read binary code. I had started learning how to develop a website in BLOGGER. After my first year at university, I decide to be a freelance web application developer at Freelacebay. for a year of experience and other freelance working conclude with about there years’ experience. At my computer engineering bachelor every subject that relates to programming, I develop all project about programing. Everything I done is my passion today.
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Khonkhen university, Khonkhen, Thailand
Freelace in Freelacebay and find work form facebook group
Full-stack Web development about preorder all process both front-end and back-end by using Firebase Cloud-function make loads balance and Realtime database by Firestore and integrate API exam Shippop API, J&T API, Thaipost API, Line API
Line appblication used to detect OA and OV. It's about parasite.
Help the professor do research in the software develop position.this research about Asthma.
Full-stack Web development and Line development create product about asthma diagnose using by docker + Express + MongoDB (asthma.kku.ac.th )
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